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Book Review of the Immortal Life Henrietta Lacks Summary

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After 20 years of military occupation and combat, the Usa is planning to pull out of Afghanistan. This decision grows more controversial by the day. It might feel similar everyonehas a hot take on it right now. Looking at the ii decades of U.S. involvement and the decades of diplomatic disarray, there is so much to take in. Cable news, documentaries, and teachers can help you learn more well-nigh this. Sometimes, however, it'south best to turn off all your screens and open a book (or plough on your eastward-reader or hitting "play" on your audiobook).

To aid, we've compiled a list of books that provide a range of context and first-person insights into what was (and is) actually going on in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan. Later on all, Transitional islamic state of afghanistan is a country with a heritage that predates the U.S., and then learning almost the country exterior of the "War on Terror" is important. Whether you're for or against the Afghanistan State of war — or you're all the same developing your thoughts — these books tin can help guide y'all to a more thoughtful, well-rounded opinion.

1. 'Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden — From the Soviet Invasion to September ten, 2001' by Steve Coll

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Yous may be wondering, "how did the U.S. finish up having enemies in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan in the commencement place?" Ghost Wars by Steve Coll answers that then much more. This Pulitzer-winning text outlines the U.S.'s relationship with Transitional islamic state of afghanistan, including the CIA's bottom-discussed work in the 1970s.

Roofing nearly everything prior to September 11, 2001, this work of journalism has get required reading for those looking to understand the conflict in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan. This subject wasn't being taught in schools while it was happening, and is inappreciably a focal signal of American History today, so at that place'south a lot to take in here. But it'southward a great identify to start to understand the conflicts in Afghanistan and the Center East at-large.

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Rashid Ahmed's Taliban: Islam, Oil and the Great New Game in Fundamental Asiacovers the group that'southward dominating a lot of the discussion surrounding Afghanistan. The Taliban'due south behavior middle around a strict estimation of Sharia Law, which is part of the Islamic tradition. (Don't worry, the book will swoop deeper into that topic if you're unsure of what that means.)

The grouping was non a political force until the mid-1990s, but Ahmed covers more than that. Connecting the Taliban to the oil and gas industries, this book shines a lite on how the Taliban affects the world beyond Afghanistan.

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When the Taliban are in power, a chief business remains how the women in Afghanistan will be affected past their reign. Under Taliban rule, women tin not leave the home unaccompanied past men and cannot choose whether or not they want to wear burqas, garments that cover most of their bodies at all times.

Moreover, during the Taliban's past rule women and girls were non allowed to attend school and receive an education. A Woman Among Warlords: The Extraordinary Story of an Afghan Who Dared to Raise Her Vocalismby Malalai Joya tells the personal account of one woman who dared to learn despite the oppressive authorities she was living nether.

four. 'Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Business relationship of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Squad ten' by Marcus Luttrell with Patrick Robinson

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Lone Survivoris 1 of the first primary sources from the war in Afghanistan to break into the cultural consciousnesses. The volume details the training procedure one goes through to get a Navy SEAL. Information technology was a squad of SEALs that eventually captured Osama bin Laden, so there'south a lot of insight into the American military contained within this work's pages.

The book goes on to tell of a mission where Marcus Luttrell'southward entire team was slain in battle — except for him. With unfiltered honesty, Luttrell'southward story is i that will remind you lot to never give up.

v. 'My Life with the Taliban' past Abdul Salam Zaeef

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We wanted to include another book nigh the Taliban because reading about multiple perspectives tin aid one develop a more than thorough understanding of the topic at large. Abdul Salam Zaeef was a founding member of the Taliban, and My Life With the Taliban is a memoir virtually the group's germination and development.

Similar Ghost Wars, Zaeef starts in the late 1970s, just gives a different perspective on the Taliban's rise to ability through the 1990s. Zaeef was eventually captured and turned over to U.S. forces, who, in turn, detained Zaeef at Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo does non always get brought up in the conversation surrounding conflicts that involve the U.S., merely we're glad Zaeef brings that into the fold.

vi. 'Overcoming: Alone Confronting the Globe' by Hamid Zaher

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In that location are a lot of people talking about Afghanistan right now. Few of these voices are from queer people who know firsthand what information technology'south like to abound upward there. InOvercoming: Solitary Confronting the World, Hamid Zaher shares a queer perspective on life in Afganistan.

Zaher was essentially exiled from Afghanistan and experienced Islamophobia in improver to discrimination for being queer. You don't need to like memoirs or books off the beaten path to be informed by this i.

7. 'Eagle Down: The Last Special Forces Fighting the Forever War' by Jessica Donati

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In 2015, the Afghanistan War became the longest-running foreign disharmonize in American history. While its end seems unclear, Eagle Downwards: The Last Special Forces of the Forever State of war by Jessica Donati grapples with just how long the war in Afghanistan has been and spotlights the stories of the people however fighting it.

Sometime Full general David Patraeus, who spent a lot of fourth dimension overseeing the war in Afghanistan, called the book "powerful, important, and searing." There hasn't been enough fourth dimension for a book to be released that covers today'southward near current events, but this one focuses on the Obama and Trump eras, which significantly impacted what's happening now.


Source: https://www.ask.com/culture/books-on-afghanistan?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740004%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex


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