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Photo Courtesy: Sneksy/iStock Prepaid debit cards can be a nice alternative to carrying cash. They come with many of the conveniences of other cards, namely that they're quick to use and take up little space in a wallet or purse. They're also a surefire way to avoid overdraft fees, which could be a big incentive if you're not always great about noticing when your account has dropped closer to zero. But what is a prepaid debit card, and how does it work? You've come to the right place to find out. We'll break down everything from how to get a prepaid card to the pros and cons you should consider before deciding whether or not they're the right choice for you. Photo Courtesy: RgStudio/iStock While regular debit cards allow you to make purchases from your checking account, prepaid debit

Bnd to There and Back Again

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With such a variety of activities on offer, it is hardly surprising that tourism in Benidorm is booming – and the holding sector is reaping the rewards

Author: Maria Perez, CEO, BND Levante Group

12 Mar 2018

Top five

Espana's economy finally appears to have turned a corner following the financial crisis. Back in 2008, the state's unemployment rate shot upwards by 36 per centum and, when the holding bubble burst, investors couldn't dump Spanish real estate fast enough.

Today, however, there is a very different outlook: the economy is doing well; Kingdom of spain'southward banks are healthy; there is an investor-friendly legal framework; and holding is still inexpensive compared to other European cities. The recovery started half-dozen years ago with a €41bn banking organization bailout and is gathering footstep equally lenders clear out toxic property assets.

At BND Levante, we are playing a leading role in this recovery by facilitating safe, reliable investments in Espana's holding market. Every bit the winner of European CEO'southward Best Real Estate Investment Visitor Award, 2018, nosotros are extremely proud of the service we deliver to our clients. Past issuing corporate bonds as an alternative financing option for belongings investments, nosotros are able to provide hassle-free investments that deliver a stock-still return into our customers' bank accounts.

BND Levante provides the market-leading knowledge investors need to accomplish the highest possible render on investment

What's more, an entry-level investment of merely €five,000 is all that'south required to begin a bond portfolio with BND Levante – making it ideal for novice and experienced investors alike.

Hot property
The Spanish existent estate market is experiencing a new blast, this time in the rental sector. According to industry experts Idealista, the average rent for new leases has risen twenty.9 percent over the past year. Cities like Benidorm, in detail, accept witnessed tape average prices due to a combination of increased need and a fall in supply.

That is considering many homeowners who had been renting out their backdrop during the economic slump are now putting them back on the market as prices first to pick up over again. Added to this is the fact short-term rentals to tourists take become a more profitable proposition than long-term leases.

If y'all similar a bit of hustle and bustle on your holiday, and then you'll savour the free energy of the Levante expanse of Benidorm. It boasts beach, hotel and theme park pleasures past day and the highest concentration of entertainment and clubbing venues in Europe by night. Or, if you just want to relax with family and friends, in that location are plenty of opportunities to do so, including taking in the dominicus by the puddle with a cool drinkable in paw.

With such a variety of activities on offer, it is hardly surprising that tourism in the metropolis is booming – and the property sector is reaping the rewards.

A unique bond
Many international existent manor investors are corking to discover the next big belongings boom simply, in their eagerness, they can end up paying inflated prices. Further, without a full cognition of the local marketplace, investors tin find achieving full occupancy challenging.

At BND, we provide the market-leading noesis investors demand to achieve the highest possible return on investment. As the only real estate visitor offering corporate bonds to investors in Benidorm, we deliver a unique service that enables investors from all over the world to profit from the short-term rental market in the metropolis, without the hassle of a mortgage or finding tenants. The result is a safe, secure investment.

Purchasing bonds is a very unproblematic process. Everyone can visit the BND Levante website and sign up to gain access to our member area, read our investor study and input the necessary details required to finalise the buy.

Going forward, nosotros accept put plans in place for a new type of bail that we volition use to develop our own skyscraper, offering investors a sizeable return on completion rather than a fixed monthly income.

With our portfolio of prime real estate growing all the time, there's never been a better fourth dimension to invest in Benidorm's booming real estate marketplace.


Source: https://www.europeanceo.com/finance/how-to-make-the-most-of-benidorms-property-boom/


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