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How to Make a Pdf File Smaller for Youtube Channel Art

Do you recall the days before YouTube?

Scratch that. Exercise yous call back the days before yous knew what "YouTube" even meant? It near feels like another lifetime. And, in a way, information technology was.

At present, non but do brands need a YouTube brand business relationship, they've also got to have impressive channel art. And that starts past creating the perfect YouTube banner for 2019.

At present that you accept the YouTube banner dimensions, keep reading, or feel free to leap alee to any of the following chapters:

  1. Agreement YouTube banner size (with template)
  2. YouTube channel fine art tips and all-time practices
  3. Creating your YouTube banner
  4. How to add YouTube channel art
  5. Free YouTube banner templates
    (Download in PNG, PSD, and AI files – No form or email address required!)

With so many free video editing software tools readily available, anyone tin have a YouTube channel. But, to increment views and followers, it'south critical to have an impactful banner. This article will explain why, then show you how to do only that!

In addition to creating a successful YouTube brand, building a profile too puts you on the path to eligibility for a YouTube custom URL.

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Unless you're ready for banner instructions and all-time practices for your channel art, let's get started with the get-go pace: What those pixel sizes actually mean when making your YouTube imprint!

Understanding YouTube Banner Size

Picturing those 2560 x 1440 pixel dimensions may be hard; especially when making sense of maximum widths and minimum upload sizes.

If you are a visual person (similar me!) this image will help:


What does the YouTube banner "safety area" hateful?

Detect that the "safe surface area" dimensions are highlighted in orange.

Why do YouTube banner dimensions have a safe area? Well, it's because your imprint (also known as your channel fine art) will await different beyond diverse devices, such equally a television, telephone, tablet, or computer.

The dark blue box, which makes upwards your safe expanse, is where you should put any logos or text. This is the part of your channel art which will be visible on all devices; ensuring no essential data volition get cut off.

To sympathize how your banner images are altered across devices, wait at this image. Here is the original picture uploaded to my YouTube aqueduct fine art:


Image credit: Eaters Collective on Unsplash

Later y'all upload an paradigm to YouTube, yous will see a preview of how your paradigm appears across diverse devices:


You lot tin see why it is so of import to keep essential dimensions inside of 1546 x 243 pixels.

The desktop and mobile versions look completely different to the original version. Notice that the desktop and phone images accept the same height, only the computer prototype is much wider.

With an understanding of YouTube dimensions, make sure you also film with the correct YouTube video size. Now let's have a look at ideas and all-time practices in how to make your aqueduct fine art.

Get resources on how to use YouTube, FREE.    Explore → YouTube Channel Art: Tips and Best Practices

Having a visually appealing YouTube imprint is an essential step when learning how to create a YouTube channel. And, even if you've had a aqueduct for years, it is essential to update your banner to ensure your aqueduct'due south success.

Why, you ask? Well, permit's look at the facts.

Why should I make a YouTube banner?

As of January 2018, at that place are over thirty million people actively using YouTube each day. That equals 210 million active users a week, or almost the unabridged population of Florida.

In addition, in 2017 YouTube had the 2d-highest number of logged-in users at 1.v billion, with Facebook beingness the only social media platform to have more.

Youtube-social-media-users Image source: Tech Crunch

As you tin can meet, it is essential to have a presence on YouTube. And, with the rise of engineering science, thankfully creating video content has become much more than user-friendly!

Having a presence on YouTube means having a dynamic YouTube banner. Your banner is the showtime affair people see when they visit your YouTube channel. It is a reflection of your brand.

Quality channel art represents quality in your brand. For some users, your YouTube aqueduct may be the first touch point they accept with your company.

Regardless of how much time you put into creating and sharing videos on YouTube, if your aqueduct doesn't look professional, neither does your visitor.

What should I put on my YouTube channel banner?

Your YouTube channel art should be a representation of your brand.

Brands are almost feelings. Use an image that correlates with how you want people to experience about your brand. Consider this marketing quote by business concern and marketing influencer Seth Godin: "People do not buy appurtenances and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic."

What story will your YouTube banner tell near you?

In addition, think well-nigh the content on your YouTube channel. How can you use your imprint to demonstrate your content and increase your brownie?

Let'south await at some examples of impactful YouTube banners, and what makes them work.

YouTube banner ideas and examples

For some ideas on what to put on your YouTube imprint, have a look at the following examples from five successful YouTube channels.

1.) Dude Perfect

Dude Perfect is an extremely pop YouTube channel, with 31 meg subscribers. (Aye, meg !) If you click "about" on their aqueduct, Dude Perfect draw their channel equally: "v Best Friends and a Panda. If you like Sports + Comedy, Come join the Dude Perfect squad!"

In addition to including their proper name and logo, this image perfectly matches the description. It'southward got the five friends who make the channel, plenty of sports, and that "I believe I can fly" slam dunk soaring through the air displays the comedy. (Okay, I acknowledge, I don't come across a panda. However, it still works!)


ii.) Buzzfeed

This instance from Buzzfeed shows how to promote a specific goal or campaign. The banner focuses on a new show Buzzfeed is producing in partnership with NBCUniversal. The aqueduct art isn't about the entire make or their channel'due south content, only information technology furthers a specific goal.

The banner design includes a callout to the bear witness's title and displays the fact the evidence is made with NBCUniversal, increasing their brownie. It besides gives the timing for new episodes.


3.) Inc.

Inc.'s YouTube banner shows how to use your banner to display what content viewers tin expect from your aqueduct.

Each day of the week, there is a new video with a specific topic. Including each of these five topics displays the channel's value suggestion in a way that draws in the viewer. It explains what content both the aqueduct and Inc. provide their audience.

The regular schedule also gives readers a reason to tune in each week.


4.) Expoza Travel

Expoza Travel demonstrates that simplicity works. Y'all tin utilize simple text without needing an experienced designer.

The background is a solid color which will work on any device. The text is white, giving it contrast, and includes a value proposition: With their channel, you will observe the earth. And, similar to Inc.'south banner, Expoza Travel informs viewers they have new uploads every week, giving a reason to subscribe to their channel.


5.) Zak George's Dog Training Revolution

Zak George's Dog Preparation Revolution shows how to utilize a YouTube imprint epitome without any text.

While there are no words, it is still a dynamic image. (With 1.3 One thousand thousand subscribers, it'due south no stretch to say that Zak knows how to be successful on YouTube!)

Not only does it show dogs (what the channel is all almost), just it is likewise loftier quality. The dogs look happy, building your trust in him and giving a positive emotion to associate with his channel.

When y'all accept a powerful image, literally no graphic design skills are required!


YouTube banner design tips

Looking at those examples, consider the following takeaways, and employ them to your own YouTube imprint design. Simply similar your YouTube thumbnail images, these simple tips will ensure your banner carries the maximum bear on.

Go along your YouTube banner unproblematic

Simplicity provides a significant impact. You don't want your banner to look crowded, especially on minor devices.

The more text or and images you include, the more you need to work with an experienced designer. A graphic designer will know how to draw the viewer'due south heart to the right place without your design looking cluttered and unprofessional.

Recall your marketing goals

When someone views your YouTube channel, what activeness exercise you lot desire them to accept? What do you want them to know almost y'all? Perhaps you want them to subscribe to your channel. Or you may desire them to become to your website and learn more than about your company.

Make up one's mind the purpose of your YouTube channel in relation to your squad'due south goals, then design your banner accordingly. A clear call to action (CTA) is a great way to do this.

It's okay to accept a YouTube banner without text

As long every bit you are in the "safe space" (every bit shown on the bluish square in the YouTube imprint template), it is okay to have text.

However, if you aren't very design savvy, information technology is okay to have a banner without any text. As displayed past the banner for Zak George's Canis familiaris Training Revolution, every bit long as you take a high-quality motion picture, it works!

In fact, it can even exist better. If the layout of your text doesn't look professional person, viewers may keep searching YouTube before they even scroll down to encounter your videos.

Creating A YouTube Banner

Now that you have some ideas for your YouTube aqueduct art pattern, let'southward expect at how you lot tin actually create that paradigm.

Where tin I find a YouTube banner background prototype?

To find a picture to get-go with, there are a number of websites which provide images you can apply for free. One of my favorites is Unsplash ; this is where I plant the macaroon image used in the example above.

Unsplash is costless and full of cute images that are piece of cake to source. You tin also use the images for commercial purposes . Crediting isn't required, merely it is appreciated.

Pikwizard is a a new website offering free images, just launched in late 2017. They already take over 100,000 high-quality images, twenty,000 of which are exclusive to Pikwizard. New images are added every day, and no attribution is required.

Pexels is another site full of dynamic images. They also permit you to utilise photographs gratis of charge for any legal purpose, including commercial use.

At that place are many other free stock prototype websites. Whichever you use, check the licensing details to ensure you can employ the pictures for business organisation purposes.

If you are starting your first YouTube channel, the pictures you lot observe on these websites can inspire yous. Type into the search bar words related to your visitor, product, and brand, then run across what resonates with you and your creativity .

How do I create an epitome with the correct YouTube imprint dimensions?

Say you've establish an image you love on Unsplash, but you want to resize information technology or add text. Or, perhaps y'all would like to create your ain YouTube channel art from scratch.

Download the free G2 Crowd YouTube imprint template in PSD, AI or PNG format as a foundation to create your pattern. Don't forget to focus on the safe area! Additional data almost each file type is given below.

If you lot aren't design savvy and want to dorsum up a stride, there are still enough of YouTube banner makers available to y'all with free or depression-priced online platforms. These are designed to exist user-friendly for beginners.

Examples include Canva and PicMonkey, the 2 highest-rated pattern software providers on G2 Oversupply. Canva is free with the option to upgrade your subscription, and Picmonkey offers a gratis trial.

Once you choose a blueprint platform, create a new design with the custom dimensions recommended past YouTube: 2560 x 1140 pixels. And then, upload your desired image and, if desired, add text. Many of these providers also have sample designs you tin customize for your make.

Now that you've got the YouTube imprint basics downwardly, and have created your image, let'southward look at how you add it to your YouTube aqueduct.

How to add YouTube channel art

Adding your channel fine art is a elementary procedure. Hither, we will walk through the process step-by-step.

Footstep One

Go to your YouTube contour, and find your icon in the upper right corner. Your icon will be the image you have selected for your Google account.


Click on the icon. A drop-down carte du jour will announced; select "my channel."


Step Two

Click on the blue button which says "customize channel."


Step Three

Click on the blue button that says "add channel art."


Step Iv

Upload your YouTube banner prototype.

Either click and drag the file into the rectangle with the dotted line, or click "select a photograph from your estimator," and locate the correct file to upload.


As mentioned previously, make sure your banner image is big enough. If you try to use an prototype smaller than 2048 ten 1152 pixels, YouTube will make you select a different photo.


Step Five

After yous have uploaded your paradigm, expect at the preview beyond desktop, tv, and mobile devices.

If you desire to shift the cropped image (your safe area for mobile devices) click "accommodate the ingather."


Click and elevate the highlighted box. The "safe area" will brandish in a window where the colors appear brighter. As shown in this gif, yous can also resize the highlighted box.

Once you lot take selected the area for your YouTube Banner, click "preview on devices."


Pace Six

In one case you are happy with the crop, choose the "select" button.


Congratulations - you have uploaded your YouTube banner art!

Your new YouTube banner is now live.

How to Change Your YouTube Banner

If you would like to use a different epitome for your aqueduct art, simply become to your YouTube Channel and hover over the pinnacle right corner.

A small pencil will announced. Click on the pencil, and select "edit channel art."


Yous will and then exist taken back to the aforementioned spot you lot were in at pace No.4. You can upload and ingather a new paradigm.

Free YouTube Banner Templates

Now that you know how to make and upload your YouTube channel art, it's time to get started creating your banner. To get started, download your gratis YouTube banner templates.

YouTube Banner Template - PSD Format

The PSD YouTube Imprint Template is designed for use in Adobe Photoshop.

Once you take downloaded the gratis template, yous'll discover each set of the banner dimensions (such as the safe surface area) is a divide layer in Photoshop.

Use these layers as your design foundation. You tin work on your aqueduct art 1 layer at a time, or consign the private layers.

There are guides included in the template, which assistance you pattern for viewing across multiple devices. Use the guides to programme for scaling and make your blueprint consistent across all branded materials.

From this PSD file, you can salvage templates to share with your team internally.

Use this PSD template to increase your design efficiency.

Download PSD YouTube Template

YouTube Banner Template - AI Format

The AI YouTube banner template is designed for apply in Adobe Illustrator.

The AI file offers the aforementioned benefits every bit the PSD template, including layers, guides, and the ability to create internal templates.

Images created in Illustrator are vector images. This ways the prototype is not pixelated; you can continue expanding the size to an unlimited extent, and it won't expect grainy.

Download AI YouTube Template

YouTube Banner Template - PNG Format

View the PNG template with any laptop or desktop computer. You practice not need specific software the way you lot do for the PSD and AI files.

Use this template as a visual reference for your YouTube imprint dimensions. If you're using a free design software platform, upload the template to use equally your starting point.

If you outsource your visitor's design piece of work, yous can also share this with your graphic designer.

Free Templates

Download, customize, and take action of your YouTube channel with these three FREE templates.

YouTube is an essential social media tool for companies of every size. It is a tactic used in both B2C and B2B marketing . Having a professional banner volition ensure you maximize your presence on YouTube also as the time and money y'all have invested in your videos.

For more ideas to execute in your marketing strategy, bank check out the G2 Crowd guides on how to make a website from scratch and how to write a case written report.


Source: https://learn.g2.com/youtube-banner-size


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