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Quick and Easy Dinner Recipe in the Instant Pot

Quick Instant Pot Dinners for Decorated Nights

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Brusque on time? Choose one of these 25+ Quick Instant Pot Dinners and go a flavorful, home-cooked meal on the table in under 30 minutes.

Collage image of Instant Pot Broccoli Cheese Soup, Pressure Cooker Butter Chicken, and Instant Pot Egg Roll Bowls in the 25 Instant Pot Quick Meals post by Pressure Cooking Today

Life seems to speed upwards in the fall! Whether you're coming home from a long solar day at work or squeezing in dinner between practice and bedtime. Your electric pressure cooker tin exist your best friend when you lot're brusk on time and need to get dinner on the table.

These quick dinners volition work in the Instant Pot, Ninja Foodi, Mealthy MultiPot, and any other make of electric force per unit area cooker!

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Pinterest Image 25 Fast Dinners for Busy Nights with Indian Butter Chicken in the background

Time-Saving Tips for Making Dinner in a Pressure Cooker

Planning ahead makes a really big difference in being able to pull off a quick dinner. Information technology helps you lot when time is tight and ensures you have what you demand on hand and ready to become.

Know When to Skip Steps

If you're in a rush, at that place are certain steps y'all tin can skip in the cooking process, like browning the meat earlier cooking. Keep in mind that this can touch on the flavor of the finished dish. I wouldn't recommend it for meals where the browning is a pregnant office of the season. However, for meals that take a meaning corporeality of seasoning, this tin be a time saver!

Sometimes having the meal finished is skilful enough.

Pot-in-Pot (PIP) method for making rice in your Pressure Cooker/Instant Pot

Cook Pot in Pot

Practice you know how to use the pot in pot method in your pressure cooker or Instant Pot? It's a dandy fourth dimension saver because you can cook the master dish and side dish at the aforementioned time in the same cooking pot!

I love this play tricks for nuts like making the pasta sauce at the same time every bit the pasta. (See my How to Cook Pasta Sauce in the Instant Pot / Pressure Cooker mail for a full caption.)

I also dearest to cook white rice pot-in-pot with pretty much whatsoever diced craven recipe. (Cheque out how nosotros do information technology in our Instant Pot / Pressure level Cooker Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli over Rice mail!)

Pressure Cooker Broccoli Cheese Soup ingredients in the Instant Pot

Choose Quick Cooking Ingredients

Even though pressure cookers melt hotter and faster than stovetops, they can just do so much. For quick meals, you'll need to use quick-cooking ingredients like chicken, white rice, and pasta.

Diced or sliced meats volition cook more than speedily than whole cuts of meat. For example, thinly sliced chuck roast cooks in 12 minutes at high pressure, while a whole chuck roast takes 75 to 90 minutes at high pressure.

Also keep in mind that common cold ingredients or recipes with big amounts of liquid similar soups will accept longer to achieve pressure.

Dice chicken into bite-size pieces and freeze flat to use in your pressure cooker/instant pot

General Cooking Tips to Salvage Time in the Kitchen

Prep the Night Before

I know, I know, skip this stride if it'south v:thirty and you need dinner now!

Nevertheless, if y'all're planning in advance of a decorated week, think that doing things ahead of time like dicing the chicken and onions, measuring spices, and even having the Instant Pot assembled and on the counter volition assist cooking go smoothly at dinner.

It might keep me up a few minutes later, just I'thousand always kicking myself the side by side day if I skip it.

(See more of my Instant Pot fourth dimension-saving tricks hither.)

Dice enough veggies for two different meals and refrigerate one for later

Continue Common Ingredients on Hand

If in that location are certain meals your family asks for over and over, make certain y'all keep a good supply of the ingredients on hand. For instance, in the winter my family asks for the Instant Pot / Pressure level Cooker Chicken & Wild Rice Soup several times a month, then I make sure to keep a box or ii of the Uncle Ben's Wild Rice on manus all the time.

(I e'er endeavour to restock when I use the second-to-final box in the pantry. That way, I accept a cushion if I forget and don't have to run to the store when the meal'due south halfway prepared.)

For perishable ingredients, like carrots, onions, and celery, I like to buy a fiddling more than what I need so I can chop and freeze the leftovers.

What tips practise you lot have for making dinners quick? Permit me know in the comments!

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Pinterest Image 25 Fast Dinners for Busy Nights by Pressure Cooking Today

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